Our dentists at Cloverdale Crossing Dental Group in Surrey understand that it may take some time to get used to caring for and wearing your new dentures. Today, we offer some tips to keep your dentures in excellent condition as you adapt to your new routine.
Are you missing teeth? Dentures can help to restore your smile's function and appearance. If you haven't worn detures before, you'll need to learn how to keep your new teeth feeling and looking their best. To accomplish that goal, it's essential to properly clean and care for them. You will receive specific instructions from your dentist about how to care for your new dentures. In this post, we'll share a few tried and true pointers to help you get started.
How to Keep Your Dentures Clean
Every day, take time to thoroughly brush your dentures, just as you would your natural teeth. Also, brush well with the same frequency and duration — for two minutes twice each day — to keep your new smile clean and white.
That said, we recommend against using regular toothpaste to brush your dentures, as it will be too harsh and may damage delicate dentures. Just rinse them with plain water and clean them with a soft denture brush.
Be extra cautious when cleaning around any attachments, since they may bend. Rinse your dentures in cool running water to ensure your dentures remain in mint condition after eating and between brushing. By doing this, you'll also help to wash away any bacteria and food particles that have attached to them.
Keep Your Dentures in Great Condition
To keep cleaning easy, soak your dentures every evening along with brushing them. This will help to loosen plaque and tartar that often accumulate on dentures throughout the day. This may also help make brushing more effective.
Before heading to bed, take your dentures out and soak them in a denture cleaning solution or plain warm water. Keep in mind that if you have metal attachments, you should avoid using denture solutions as these solutions can tarnish the metal.
By brushing and soaking your dentures each day, you'll help your smile remain bright, and keep your dentures feeling great — and clean — in your mouth.
Preventing Damage to Your Dentures
Every time you put your dentures back in or take them out, it may help to place a folded towel on your bathroom vanity or in the sink to serve as a cushion. This way, in case your dentures are accidentally dropped, you'll have some protection to keep them from becoming damaged.
One more tip: Soak your dentures in water when you remove them to keep them from drying out.