Dental sedation is not generally offered for regular dental cleanings or checkups, however, for patients with extreme anxiety we may be able to offer it. Here's more about dental sedation for routine appointments from our Surrey dentist.
Who could benefit from sedation for general dentistry appointments?
Dental sedation can help patients undergo the dental treatment that they need if they suffer from any of the issues listed below.
- Phobia around dental procedures
- Small mouth that becomes sore during dental work
- Resistance to local anesthetic
- General anxiety disorder
- Previous bad experience(s) with dental work
- Unusually sensitive oral nerves
Dental sedation helps patients get through anything from root canals and tooth extractions, to dental implant procedures, with a minimum of stress, helping patients undergo the dental treatment that they need.
For the general population, dental sedation is typically not offered for routine dental cleanings, x-rays, and other general dental care. However, when it comes to those patients suffering from extreme anxiety, sedation may be a good option, even for routine procedures.
How do I know if dental sedation is right for me?
If going to the dentist tends to make you feel extremely anxious talk to your dentist. Your dentist will be able to advise you on whether dental sedation is right for you, and if so, what type would be most beneficial.